Content Manager

The Content Manager allows you to view and organise all your content items. It is split into two areas, on the left is the folders panel, which is a tree-view style display showing the users, folders and subfolders, and the right panel which lists the content items.

The folders panel shows your content folder (denoted by your user name) and, if you are a site administrator, any child users, listed beneath the Other Users folder.

Content can be arranged into folders, to help group and organise content items. For example all videos could be put in one folder and all PowerPoint items in another. Folders can have sub folders as well.

To expand the list of sub folders click on the plus sign beside the folder name. To create a new folder, click on the folder you want to contain a new folder and then click the new folder icon. Enter a name for the new folder and then it will appear in the window below the chosen parent folder.

To delete a folder, select the folder that you wish to delete then click the Delete Folder icon.

Warning: deleting a folder will also delete any sub folders below it and all content items in the folder and sub folders so make sure there is nothing contained below it you do not wish to delete.

Content Drag

To move content into a folder select the item in the right panel and drag it, by holding the left mouse button, to the desired folder then release the mouse button. The item will now appear in the chosen folder. You can drag more than one item at once by either holding the Control key while selecting individual items or by holding the Shift key and selecting 2 items in the list and all the items between them will be selected, similar to the behaviour in Windows Explorer and shown right.

The content items are listed showing the content item's name, the number of channels it is currently scheduled to and its duration. It also shows an icon representing the type of this content item and a Delete option. The Preview link allows you to view this item over the Internet using the Solus Web platform. The Ready column shows if the content item is ready to be displayed on screens as some items need to be encoded before they can be shown. The list can be reordered by clicking on the column header, e.g. to reorder by duration click on Duration.

It is possible to search for content items by clicking on Search and then entering a search term in the text box. The search field can be narrowed by selecting a user in the drop down list and then the search scope will be reduced to that user's items.